A selection of interesting reads I found the past month. A feature on NTS radio, who just celebrated their 6th anniversary, Jarvis Cocker on the music of his life, a new radio station in Munich & a PPU special. Read on. X


NTS: Beyond Community Radio

NTS-Radio-Beyond Community Radio

Turning six years old this month, the forward-thinking London station is showing no signs of defeat, now spreading its already dizzying array of programming to over 30 cities worldwide on two digital channels …
Read the full article on the Subbacultcha site


Peoples Potential Unlimited: Resident Advisor’s Label of the Month

People Potential Unlimited - Label of the month Resident Advisor

Andrew Morgan has channeled his love of private-press synthesizer funk into a bustling label and mail order business. Matt McDermott speaks to the outsider soul expert at PPU headquarters in Washington, DC …
Read the full article on Resident Advisor.


Jarvis Cocker on the music of his life

Jarvis Cocker - Music of his Life - Pitchfork

Two decades after Britpop’s heyday, Jarvis Cocker remains the poet emeritus of absurd sex and stubborn social friction. As the frontman of Pulp, he played a disco librarian who sharpened …
Read the full article on Pitchfork.


Ekster: Belgische weelde (dutch read)

Ekster - Belgische weelde - DjBroadcast

Wordt er in België spannendere elektronische muziek gemaakt dan in Nederland? Wie naar de output van Ekster luistert, is geneigd die vraag met ‘‘ja’’ te beantwoorden. Het Antwerpse label van Victor Robyn (30) en Roman Hiele (26) zou je het Vlaamse equivalent van Warp kunnen noemen. Al doe je Ekster daarmee tekort. Zowel de muzikale als visuele stijl kennen haar gelijke niet. …
Read the full article on DjBroadcast (in dutch)


Radio 80000, the DIY station putting Munich on the map

Radio 80000- The Munich DIY Label

Munich has an ambivalent image in other cities. Tons of people say Munich is snobby and rich and that there’s nothing interesting going on there—but if you come here and go to the bars and clubs, you can hear all different kinds of music.
Read the full article on Electronic Beats


The art of Djing: Antal

the art of djing - antal

Turning six years old this month, the forward-thinking London station is showing no signs of defeat, now spreading its already dizzying array of programming to over 30 cities worldwide on two digital channels.
Read the full article on Resident Advisor.


How Paris label Antinote is redesigning electronic music

Antinote - redesigning electronic music

From the moment Antinote Records emerged in 2012, Zaltan’s Paris-based label has attracted favourable attention from listeners, DJs and critics alike. While it was originally intended as a vessel for unreleased ’90s machine jams from the tape archive of Iueke (aka Gwen Jamois) …
Read the full article on The Vinyl Factory


Deek: Pop Not Slop

Deek - Pop not slop

Not a real read or article this. But a cool & simple concept that I wanted to share. A daily share of good (& mostly unknown) tunes from interesting people in the scene.
Check it out here.

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